Replacing Chandeliers

Do it yourself projects can either be complicated or incredibly easy.  Some prefer to call in a contractor to do the work instead of risking mucking up the job.  Replacing chandeliers seems like a project that is better left to the contractor but the truth is that anyone with a small amount of DIY experience can do it quite easily.  There are a few steps to replacing chandeliers that can make the process go smoothly.

  • How Much Does the New Chandelier Weigh? – This is an important aspect of replacing a chandelier.  If the new chandelier is heavier than the old one, then you have to replace the junction box which holds the hardware and is used to mount the unit.  Make sure you replace this if the new chandelier is heavier.  A chandelier that is too heavy can eventually fall and rip out all of the wires and can create quite a mess for you.
  • Electricity – Make sure to turn off the electricity at the breaker or fuse box for the room the chandelier is located in.  You do not want to have any on as you work with the chandelier wires, you could become seriously electrocuted.

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Proper Care for Decorative Hardware

Caring for cabinet hardware
Learn to clean and take care of your hardware the right way.

You can spend a great deal of money of decorative hardware for your cabinets and drawers.  These pulls can cost up to thirty dollars a piece if they are made out of certain materials.  You do not want to spend all that money and then ruin them by not properly maintaining them.  There are some care tips that can help you to care for decorative hardware and keep it looking great.  The type of care they require depends upon the material that they are made out of.

  • Brass – Brass looks lovely in any room of the home and it can be quite shiny.  The last thing you want to use on brass are harsh abrasives that can take off the natural patina.  Instead, use a good brass polish to keep it nice and bright.  Before polishing, clean them gently with soap and water.  Always use a soft, lint free cloth when cleaning or polishing brass decorative hardware.

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How to Install Recessed Hardware

So you got all the new recessed hardware for your kitchen cabinets but you do not have a clue how to install them.  You need an upgrade in the kitchen but could not afford to buy brand new cabinets.  The good news is that installing the hinges and pulls is incredibly easy to do and only takes a few short steps.  With these few steps, your new recessed hardware looks as if a contractor came to install them instead of it being a do it yourself project.

Installing new recessed hardware on your cabinets can be a fun and easy way to get new looking cabinets without paying the price for brand new ones.  The best part is that learning how to install recessed hardware is not much different than installing any other type of hardware.  You just need a few tools to get the job done.  The rest is just having someone to help you hold them while you install the new hardware.

1.  Tools Needed – In order to do the recessed hardware replacement, you need to have a few tools available.  You may also need a friend to help remove the cabinet doors if you cannot lift them on your own.  The tools needed are:

  • Screwdriver
  • Wrench
  • Drill
  • Tape Measure
  • Sandpaper

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DIY Tips for Replacing Hinges

Many think that replacing hinges is easy.  While this can be true in most cases, there can be some instances when replacing a hinge becomes a major chore.  There are many variables that need to be taken into consideration when discussing replacing hinges.  Calling a contractor is not necessary as there are only a few screws to remove.  The following are some of the aspects that need to be taken into account as well as some DIY tips for replacing hinges:

  • What Hinges are Being Replaced? – If you are changing the hinges on a door, you may find it very difficult to do without help.  You should have someone there to help you switch them out.  Doors can be very heavy and can cause injury if they fall and there is no one there to hold the door in place.  Cabinets can be replaced with one person but it is easier if there are two.
  • Match the Existing Hinge to the New One – This is one of the best tips to replacing hinges.  If you match the hinges perfectly, you do not have to worry about fit.  This can save a great deal of time.  When the new hinges are a different size then you have to drill new holes and plug the old ones up.  That can be time consuming but it is not always possible to get hinges that match perfectly if the existing ones are very old.

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Creative Ways to Decorate a Kid's Room

There is probably nothing more fun than taking the time to decorate a kid’s room.  They simply love having a new room that has a spark of their own personality.  Allowing your child to help you decorate is a great way to bond and to get to know them.  While many parents may not want to have their kid’s input, it is important to allow them to choose some aspect of their room such as the color.  There are many other creative things that can be done to make a kid’s room truly unique.

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Choosing the Appropriate Home Theme

Home ThemeIf you have just purchased a home or are tired of your existing décor, you may be thinking of a new home theme.  There are so many new ideas and DIY kits out there to make a home truly memorable that it can be difficult deciding on just one. There are many ways to create a theme for your home.  Some may be more appropriate than others.  You may need to take into consideration how much of your home bears this theme such as if the theme is going to include the outside of the home as well as the interior.

Many gated communities or condominium complexes have strict rules regarding the decorative aspects of the exterior of the home.  They want a unity to all of the exterior colors so check with your homeowners association before doing any projects to the outside of the home.  You may find your home looks great on the outside just to be told you have fines to pay and that you need to repair the home back to a state that conforms to the rules of the homeowners association.  This does not mean you cannot make improvement to the exterior; you just need to do them within the guidelines.

The interior of the home offers much more leeway.  There are usually no standards to go by when choosing a theme for the inside of the house.  Just figure out what is appropriate for your theme and you can work away on it.  You can find pieces that fit the theme as well as cabinet hardware that matches and follows this theme.  The following are a few themes for a home that can be used:

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Benefits of Shopping Online Opposed to the Big Store

Anytime you want to purchase something, you may just jump in your car and head to the closest discount store to get the best price.  You think that this is the way to save the most money.  The problem with this is that while there are some savings, you may be giving up quality.  Also, there are other ways to shop to get a better price.  Shopping online can offer many benefits to the shopper as opposed to the big store discount chains.

  • Quality – Even if you save money, you can give up quality.  How much of a savings is there when the product breaks or is damaged because it was not made to withstand the test of time?  You end up having to buy the item again to replace the one that is no longer functional.  Instead, spend the same amount online and get a better product that does last much longer because the quality is better.

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Inexpensive Upgrades to Help Sell Your Home

inexpensive upgradesSelling your home can be difficult today because of the drop in sales in the housing market.  Homes are not being sold for the same price that they were purchased as housing costs are plummeting with the market.  There are some inexpensive upgrades that can be made to the home that can help it sell much quicker and for a better price than the market shows.  The following are some inexpensive tips to upgrading your home to help you sell it.

  1. Go Green – You can make your home more desirable by putting in some green and ecologically friendly aspects.  Switch out your existing lighting with low energy LED lighting or other more economical light types.  You can also plant some shade trees that offer a cooler home.  Install a downspout with a barrel to collect rainwater for watering the garden.  Low flow toilets and shower heads can also make the home more green and help it to sell much quicker.
  2. Kitchen Bring your kitchen up to date by changing some small parts of it.  The pulls and hinges on the cabinets and drawers can be changed out to something more modern that adds a nicer touch to it.  Replace the old sink hardware with new and see how quickly the look of the kitchen is updated.  If you have some DIY skills, you can always change the paint or the stain color of the cabinets to make them look fresher.
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Spruce Up Your Bathroom with Bathroom Accessories

bathroom accessoriesBathroom accessories can make all the difference in your home bathrooms. Whether it is a master bath that you will mainly be the only one using or a guest bathroom that is meant to help your guests feel comfortable and at home, there are accessories to suit every need and décor style.

Bathroom hardware and accessories can make all the difference in the overall appearance of the bathroom. They are also a great way to give your bathroom a mini makeover. If the bathroom is looking old and outdated, changing the hardware and accessories can make a world of difference, even if you are on a budget.

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Glass Bathroom Shelves Can Help Modernize Your Home

Glass bathroom shelvesThe bathroom is often one of the most neglected rooms in the home when it comes to decorating. Some homeowners are limited for space, making it difficult to make major changes. One of the best ways to add extra storage space in your bathroom and make it more modern at the same time is with glass bathroom shelves.

Glass bathroom shelves are beautifully designed. They can enhance any décor and add the extra space needed to make the bathroom more functional. Shelves can be placed most anywhere in your bathroom and they’re easy to install. Therefore, you can put them in yourself with a ruler and screwdriver or small drill. Just be sure and measure the distance before installing to make sure you place it in the right position.

Glass bathroom shelves come in a variety of sizes and designs making it easy to find something that suits your personal taste and needs. Some of them have corners while others are designed with rounded edges. Some are wide, others are narrow and there are many sizes in-between.

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